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Artists’ Gala Will Have World Cup Feel

Posted May. 10, 2006 02:59,   


“The party will be very Nancy Lang with fun and various shows. There will be transgender, too. Giving out more than 200 glasses of poktanju, I’ll make the party fun and I’ll also make some World Cup atmosphere,” said Nancy Lang.

“I’ll Give out 200 Glasses of Poktanju”-

Nancy Lang, a 27-year-old pop artist, has drawn attention from home and abroad since her performance at the 2003 Venice Biennale in which she played the violin in her lingerie. Advocating communication between art and the public and having conducted a variety of performances, including an exhibition of her works in a party at a bar with alcohol and music, she is preparing a unique event for the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

She is planning to hold a “charity party for young artists hosted by Nancy Lang” in early July at Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Seoul. Anyone aged 35 years old or younger can participate in the event. There is no restriction on participants’ education, and those who did not attend an art college can also participate. She will support rising artists with the proceeds of the party. She intends to select 13 artists and help them hold their first private exhibitions, saying that she does not care about the tabooed number “13.”

“It will be when the World Cup is going on. Participants to my event and I will cheer the various teams while wearing various World Cup clothes, and I’ll generate a natural atmosphere in which they can enjoy the World Cup.”

Coming out for cheering on the street, Nancy Lang was painting a variety of patterns on people’s faces during the 2002 World Cup co-hosted by Korea and Japan. “I didn’t know anything about soccer players at first, but I became absorbed in the very much heated atmosphere.”

“I’m a Cute and Sexy Kitty”-

She was not invited to the 2003 Venice Biennale. As an uninvited guest, she did such a performance. The performance was the expression of an unfulfilled dream as an uninvited guest. She was in her underwear to represent a candid hope. She said she expressed her own experience of failing to become a violinist.

Asked to express herself, she said “Cutesy, Sexy, Kitty, Nancy,” adding a charming “meow.”

Won-Hong Lee bluesky@donga.com