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Korea Accepting Astronaut Applications

Posted April. 22, 2006 03:14,   


The opening ceremony for selecting Korea’s first astronaut was held in the attendance of Science Minister Kim Woo-sik and Korea Aerospace Research Institute President Paik Hong-yul at the plaza in front of Seoul City Hall on Friday, April 21.

Minister Kim proclaimed in his speech, “I hereby declare the launch of Korea’s first astronaut with the wishes of 48 million Koreans.”

Various events were held including exhibitions on space models, space suits, and space food, and these exhibitions allowed visitors to even sample astronaut food and try out daily goods that astronauts use.

The receipt of online applications began at 9:00 a.m. that morning, and 600 people had submitted applications as of 4:00 p.m. that day, indicating much interest.

Applications will be received at www.woojuro.or.kr until July 14. Afterwards, candidates will go through four stages of a selection competition, and the final two will be selected around the end of the year.
