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Committee Chief Refutes Bribe Charges

Posted April. 14, 2006 03:16,   


Kang Man-kil, chairman of the Presidential Committee for the Inspection of Collaboration With the Japanese (PCIC), allegedly pocketed a large amount of money in 2003 when he, then president of Sangji University, was involved in real estate transactions in the name of the university, said Grand National Party lawmaker Joo Sung-young yesterday.

At the parliamentary interpellation session for education, society, and culture, Joo claimed, “Chairman Kang is suspected to have received 200 million won when purchasing a building for the Oriental Medicine Hospital affiliated to Sangji University, one billion won for selling land owned by the university foundation, and an additional one billion one from the construction of a new university building, all in return for favors.”

Kang denied the allegations during a phone interview with Dong-A Ilbo, saying, “It’s nonsense. Real estate transactions are in the authority of school board of directors, not the president. The chief director is the one who has real power.” He also reproached Joo, saying, “He is exploiting the privilege of speech for lawmakers by saying something totally groundless.”

In-Jik Cho cij1999@donga.com