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Singapore Upgrades Korea Visa Waiver

Posted February. 13, 2006 06:26,   


Starting next month, Korean visitors will be able to stay in Singapore up to 90 days without a visa.

“Singapore used to issue Koreans 30-day arrival visas at the airport, but has decided to issue 90-day arrival visas to Korean visitors beginning on March 2 when a free trade agreement takes effect between the two countries,” a Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MOFAT) spokesperson said yesterday,

With the decision, Koreans who visit Singapore for tourism or business for 90 days or less can enter the country without obtaining any extra visas.

However, those who are seeking to immigrate, work, or study in Singapore for over 90 days still need to obtain a visa.

Jong-Koo Yoon jkmas@donga.com