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[Editorial] Political Games Must Stop

Posted January. 13, 2006 05:19,   


The Roh administration, now in its fourth year, has only one year left to work for the people. Because next year is when the political world will get ready for the presidential election, the government’s drive is bound to weaken then. Thus, many citizens are demanding the Roh administration focus on the economy rather than on political shows or ideological conflicts, at least for this year, according to surveys conducted at the beginning of the year.

However, the people’s hopes have been dashed just a few first days into the New Year. With the cabinet reshuffle announced on January 2 and 4, Roh has brought about a political crisis where his self-righteousness and obstinacy disregarded both the public and the ruling party’s opinions.

Moreover, at the dinner with the ruling Uri Party’s leadership two days ago, Roh’s focus was not on the economy or ways to overcome national problems, but on waging a war of nerves with participants, even mentioning parting with the party. It is extremely deplorable on the part of the citizens who are paying taxes only to support such foolish politicians.

At the dinner, the ruling party representatives opposed appointing lawmaker Rhyu Si-min as minister, but Roh disagreed with them, saying, “What is wrong with nurturing next-generation leaders?”

Regardless of Korea’s next-generation leaders, what the public wants is its current-generation leaders not to cause any more trouble. A leader must fulfill his duties, but our leader is only busy causing trouble from the beginning of the New Year. No wonder more and more people are feeling disgusted at the sight of him. One leader of the ruling party even lamented, “today’s childish leadership prevents the rise of tomorrow’s good leaders.”

The Uri Party is not in a position to blame the president. First of all, it has to normalize the crippled operation of the National Assembly. Rather than just criticizing the Grand National Party for opposing the administration’s unilateral revision of the private school act, the Uri Party must demonstrate its political savvy by offering justifications to the opposition party to make them return to the Assembly.

The Grand National Party, for its part, must demonstrate its leadership as the first opposition party with the election of a new floor leader so that the public can sustain its hope in its politics. The parties should try to win the people’s hearts through good faith competition.

The world is rapidly changing in this era of unbridled competition, while Korea’s politicians, including the president, are playing political games of their own. When will they face reality?