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New Police Commissioner General Named

Posted January. 05, 2006 03:00,   


Gyeonggi Provincial Police Agency commissioner Lee Taek-soon has been appointed the 57th Senior Superintendent General and 13th Korean National Police Agency Commissioner General.

After receiving over half of the votes of Police Committee attending members yesterday morning, Lee was recommended as a candidate for the commissioner general post to President Roh Moo-hyun. Before this, Cheong Wa Dae had requested the Police Committee to name Lee commissioner.

Since he has to pass National Assembly hearings, it is expected that Lee will be inaugurated as commissioner general sometime in late January.

It seems that out of the three superintendent generals - Lee, the National Policy Agency deputy commissioner, and the president of the Police Academy - he is the youngest, with no deep flaws. He graduated from Seoul National University, something rare for police officials, which was a factor in his appointment. It is also presumed that Lee being a one-year junior alumnus of Prime Minister Lee Hae Chan, who both went to Yongsan High School and Seoul National University, was helpful in his election.

Lee faces the task of straightening matters out through the police organization, which is full of discontent after former Commissioner General Huh Joon-young resigned mid-way through his term due to the deaths of farmers at a demonstration.

Having worked for a long time in the intelligence department, Lee is viewed by fellow police officials as being detailed in his work and having great planning abilities. However, some point out that he might lack the ability to calm and control a disturbed police force.

This may have prompted Lee to say, “I feel heavy responsibilities,” before attending the Police Committee.

After graduating from Seoul National University with a degree in geography, he passed the 18th National Administrative Official Exam in 1976, joined the police force in 1983, and worked as the National Policy Agency director of the Third Intelligence Department, a traffic control officer, and as presidential public security secretary.
