Ahead of college vacations, eccentric part-time jobs are in fashion.
They are different from part-time jobs at convenience stores, restaurants, or gas stations. Although they take the form of 3D jobs, or dirty, difficult, and dangerous jobs, they earn you a high income in a short period of time.
Terms such as eccentric part-timers or queer part-time jobs are increasingly being seen on White Horse Square, an Internet message board of Chungnam National University, and university website message boards in Daejeon, Chungnam Province, including Hannam University and Mokwon University.
One example is corpse cleaning. It takes around an hour to clean a dead body from traffic accidents at hospitals for an hourly pay of 100,000 to 200,000 won.
Two college students are currently doing the work, dubbed shrouding in hospital S in Daejeon, but it is a competitive position, since most hospitals hire professionals.
Another eye-catcher is part-time guinea pig, which means offering your own body as an experimental subject for money.
You first take indigestion medications as part of new drug clinical tests, draw blood, or expose your thighs to ultra-violet rays and wait for developments. Because it pays 300,000 to 400,000 won per session, there are a flurry of inquiries about the job from college students at big hospitals and pharmaceutical companies.
Pornography part-timer is another option. While watching Internet videos all day, obscene or unsound contents are to be reported to anti-harmful website businesses, which offer some 5,000 won per hour.
Other popular part-time work includes being part of the debate audience of broadcasting stations, becoming a theme park staff member, and part-time lover, which helps one cheat his or her parents living far in the countryside who are nagging one to get married.