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Korea-Japan Golf Match Ends in Draw

Posted December. 05, 2005 07:09,   


The 6th Pinks Cup Korea-Japan Woman’s Pro Golf Match ended in a tie yesterday after being called due to inclement weather.

The last two rounds (of double-stroke match play) that would have been held at Jeju’s Pinks Golf Course (par 72) yesterday were cancelled due to weather conditions including snow and gusty wind. Korea and Japan each received 12 game points (5 wins, 2 ties, 5 losses) in total, ending the match in a draw.

Since there is no first or second place winner, the 58.5 million yen purse will be split equality among the 26 players from the two countries. Each player will take home 2,250,000 yen.

Young-Sik Ahn ysahn@donga.com