Posted September. 01, 2005 07:09,
Department of North American and Oceanic Affairs Director General He Yafei of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on August 30 that Chinese President Hu Jintao might urge American authorities during his visit to the U.S. to be more flexible in the six-party talks that are designed to solve the North Korean nuclear issue. Hu Jintaos visit is scheduled for early September.
On the same day, Director General He avoided commenting on a news report that the U.S. might be willing to agree to North Koreas peaceful use of nuclear energy. Instead, he remarked, China hopes that the relevant parties will apply a more flexible approach. President Hu looks likely to urge the U.S. to be more flexible in the six-party talks.
Meanwhile, North Korea postponed the talks that were supposed to occur this week. The dialogue will resume during the week that starts on September 12. Regarding the delay, Director General He noted, We still have a long way to go (concerning the six-party talks). But I am certain that joint efforts by all parties involved will lead to positive results.