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Deceased Hero Sohn Ki-jung is also a Banking Gold Medalist

Deceased Hero Sohn Ki-jung is also a Banking Gold Medalist

Posted August. 16, 2005 03:09,   


It is not a well known fact that deceased marathon hero Sohn Ki-jung worked in a bank. He is not only a marathon gold medalist but also a banking gold medalist.

With the ongoing parade of events marking the 60th anniversary of liberation underway, Korea First Bank (KFB) has priceless archives which show Sohn’s career as a bank employee.

According to the KFB, Sohn first came into contact with the bank on April 1, 1940. After graduating from Japan’s Meiji University Law School, Sohn was employed by the Chosun Savings Bank, the predecessor of KFB.

At the time, in order to join a bank, a dream job for many, one had to pass through a difficult employment test. It is reported that the Chosun Track and Field League’s recommendation for the gold medalist played a big role in Sohn’s employment.

The work at the bank was not easy. Sohn was unfamiliar with the abacus, a critical tool for bank workers, so he had a tough time.

However, while at work and attracting savings investments from clients, he broke the former individual record by four fold, and became the topic of conversation not only at the Chosun Savings Bank, but also at other banks.

Nevertheless, Sohn’s work at the bank did not last long. Four years and three months after starting, in July of 1944, he cited family issues for his resignation and went back to his hometown of Shineuiju, Pyongbuk Province.

In its history room, KBF still possess the relevant records such as his personal reference sheet, staff record card, and resignation letter.

Ji-Wan Cha cha@donga.com