Posted August. 11, 2005 03:05,
On August 9, U.S. President George W. Bush said, North Korea didn`t tell the truth when it came to their enrichment program," declaring he would not tolerate North Koreas nuclear program for civilian purposes.
On the same day, after a meeting with aides at his ranch at Crawford, Texas, on his vacation, President Bush said, "North Korea is a different story, in response to the reporters question, Iran was tolerated to have began reprocessing uranium intended for civilian use, so why not North Korea?
Relating to South Koreas aid to supply electricity to the North, President Bush valuated, If North Korea gives up entirely its nuclear weapons and vouches full transparency, and the international society has the capability to watch over potential nuclear programs, it would be quite a reasonable offer.
He added, There is somewhat a difference between the strategies for Iran and North Korea, but the basic line and strategy are the same. It is to notify that both countries should abandon the ambition to develop nuclear weapons and that we are all in to prevent the expansion of nuclear weapons.
Meanwhile, Christopher R. Hill, assistant secretary of state for East Asian and Pacific Affairs and the chief American negotiator in the talks said that the United States might have more direct discussions with North Korea before the talks formally resume, although he was not sure whether the talks would eventually succeed.
Reuters reported, Some contacts with North Korea are expected, although it is early to tell, adding, Contacts will be made if regarded worthy.
Hill is expected to hold a press conference at the Foreign Press Center in Washington at 11:00 a.m. on August 10 to evaluate the fourth six-party talks and explain the position of the U.S. government.