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We Will Always Remember Jonathan the Hero

Posted June. 16, 2005 03:04,   


The funeral for Jonathan Woo (29, Woo Hong-sik) was held on June 14. Woo lost his life while going after a pickpocket in Kansas City, U.S. The funeral was attended by bereaved families and visitors who paid their condolences to him.

He was born in Daegu, South Korea and immigrated to the U.S. in his childhood. On May 20, he chased a pickpocket who stole a purse from Ruth Peck (60). During the chase, he was stuck by the car of the pickpocket and a building and was injured. He died from internal hemorrhaging.

With about 200 condolers in attendance, the funeral was held in Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Overland Park, where Peck’s son Michael Peck works as a pastor.

Reverend Peck mourned the death, saying, “I feel like I lost my brother. He was a special person who has a sense of humor, generosity and talent.”

Upon the news of his death, people across the country have raised funds to help his bereaved family who is suffering from both financial difficulties and psychological trauma. The Kansas City Star, a local newspaper, reported that a total of $12,000 was raised in a Gold Bank account opened for “Jonathan Woo, who fought for righteousness, until the afternoon of June 13.”

“The Planet,” a local radio station that broadcast a program for the fund raising effort said that more than $50,000 has been raised from listeners so far. The Kansas State government is reviewing a plan to use government funds for his bereaved family.