Posted June. 09, 2005 06:34,
It is known that the former chairman of the Daewoo Group, Kim Woo-joong, will come back to Korea around on June 15. Jung Hee-ja, his wife, departed from Korea on June 8 and plans to visit Frankfurt, Germany, Venice, Italy, and Paris. Much attention has been given to whether she will meet Kim, who is known to be staying somewhere in Europe. A person close to Kim said on June 8 that Kim would take an airplane on June 15 or one or two days later, and tread on Korean soil around next week.
He added, There is a rumor that Mr. Kim will go to a hospital after the arrival, but it is not true. To my knowledge, he will meet with prosecution investigators as soon as he arrives. Jung, the former chairman of the Daewoo Development Company, took Korean Air 905 flight to Frankfurt at 1:35 pm on June 8. Jung will visit Kim Seon-jeong, her daughter who is working as a commissioner for the Korean section at the Venice Biennale, and come back to Korea via Paris on the afternoon of Jun 14.