Posted April. 04, 2005 23:24,
Minister of National Defense Yoon Kwang-ung stated on April 4 that the proportion of the U.S Forces Korea (USFK)s budget allocated to South Korea for this year has been reduced by 8.9 percent from that of the previous year.
Given Minister Yoons remarks, South Koreas allotment is expected to be approximately 686 billion won.
At a news conference with National Defense Ministry correspondents, Minister Yoon said, South Korea and the U.S. has come to an agreement that the proportion of USFKs budget will be reduced by 8.9 percent, or 60.9 billion won, from last year, adding, The decreased portion is a result of related costs dropping due to a reduction of the USFK as well as redeployment.
In addition, regarding the remarks on April 1 by Lt. Gen. Charles C. Campbell, USFK chief of staff and Eighth Army commander, that the USFK expressed dissatisfaction with South Koreas reduction of financial support to the USFK and said that it decided to let go of South Korean workers, Yoon said, The government received the plan from the USFK before the Korean governments official announcement was made.