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“New Right Think-Net” Opens Tomorrow

Posted March. 22, 2005 22:17,   


The “New Right Think Net,” a self-claimed “think-tank for the new right movement,” will begin operations after holding a founding ceremony at 2:00 p.m. on March 24 at the Baejae 100th anniversary memorial hall in Seoul.

The ceremony will consist of a declaration of establishment, discussions under the theme of “Why the new right?” and the first forum on “the New Right and visions of the Korean economy.”

About 40 professors in their mid or late 40s took the lead in establishing the New Right Think Net: Kim Young-ho (Sungshin Women’s University), Kim Il-young (Sungkyunkwan University), Kim Jong-suk (Hongik University), Kim Hak-sung (Chungnam University), Jeon Sang-in (Hanllym University), Jung Jin-young (Kyunghee University), Je Sung-ho (Chung-ang University), Jo Sung-hwan (Kyonggi University), Jo Jeon-hyuk (Incheon University), Jo Hee-moon (Sangmyung University), Han In-hee (Ewha Womans University), and Hong Sung-gul (Kookmin University).

In its establishment declaration, the group said that the Republic of Korea was drifting, losing its bearings because of anti-market sentiment, populism, anti-liberalism, and anti-constitutionalism.

Chae-Hyun Kwon confetti@donga.com