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Japan Teachers` Union Opposes New History Text

Posted March. 15, 2005 22:33,   


The Japan Teachers` Union (JTU), Japan`s representative teachers organization, said that it is opposed to Japan`s history distortion.

At the "Joint Seminar for Diagnosing Major Education Policy Issues between Korea and Japan," which was sponsored by the Korea Federation of Teachers’ Associations (KFTA) and the JTU at KFTA headquarters in Woomyeon-dong, Seoul yesterday, JTU Institute for National Education Culture Director Minei Masaya (a professor at Senshu University) said, "In Japan, the movement to revise the basic education law to reinforce patriotism is becoming more specific. The JTU is opposed to this."

Minei said, "Honest historical perception is the most important challenge we face in educating our second generation. The reason the distortions of history occurred was because Japan had not repented its past aggressions.”

The JTU stated that it will make best efforts, together with other civic groups, so that the distorted history book will not be adopted.

Na-Yeon Lee larosa@donga.com