Posted February. 21, 2005 22:14,
The bereaved family of Mr. Ahn Ik-tae (1906-1965), the composer of the Korean national anthem (Aegukga), expressed its intention that they would disclaim the national anthem copyright.
The late Mr. Ahns family living in Spain officially made its stance on February 18 (local time) clear via e-mail to the embassy of the Republic of Korea to Spain, in which they wrote, So far, we have not wanted to gain any profit, including copyright royalties, for Aegukga, and we have thought that the song is public property.
We wish that any decision should be made by the Korean people because the song belongs to them, Ahns family added.
The copyright on Aegukga was bequeathed to his widow, Mrs. Lolita Ahn (89, staying in Majorca, Spain) with Korea fantasy, which is the origin of Aegukga, after Ahns death, and it will last through 2015.
The Ahn family has received five to eight million won in royalties per year from the Korea Music Copyright Association since 1999.