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[Editorial] Personnel Management That Needs President’s Explanation?

[Editorial] Personnel Management That Needs President’s Explanation?

Posted January. 23, 2005 22:58,   


Regarding the incident in which President Roh offered Millennium Democratic Party (MDP) representative Kim Hyo-seok the position of as deputy prime minister and minister of Education and Human Resources Development, Roh said, “There were political considerations, but it didn’t digress from the level of amicable discussions between parties.” His intention is interpreted as a plan to invite an expert who could reform college education as well as who was not from the ruling party but from the MDP. According to him, his offer has nothing to do with the issue of a party merger.

President Roh’s offer did not happen due to Rep. Kim’s positive turning down, but it left some prickly matters. The Uri Party is trying to find an opportunity to merger with MDP, being worried with the projected re-election result in April that would deprive its position as a ruling party. On the other hand, the MDP is planning to reshape its structure as well as proclaiming “No-merger policy” at the party convention on February 3. This has made the Uri Party agitated since, for them, there should be a connective link for party merger at least before the convention. Obviously, there are few citizens in the nation who see that President Roh’s offer has nothing do to with the current political dynamics.

President Roh explained that Rep. Kim is the best candidate, who would raise the competitiveness of college education. However, it is not cogent with these simple facts that Rep. Kim majored information and technology in college, and he did not have much experience on education. Like President Roh said, “I’ve got advice dealing with the deputy premiership that an expert in the economic filed would fit well,” if the post went to an economic guru, the offer would have been more logical and sensible. Rep. Kim also turned down the post excusing that he was not experienced in education field. It also sounded awkward that President abruptly mentioned that, “A minister who came from politics arena suits well.”

The fact that president’s offer was revealed leaves doubts. The MDP was negatively influenced as soon as the news that one of its lawmakers was on the premiership list was announced since that encouraged the clique supporting a party merger to lead the rest members to weigh toward the merger. The Uri Party has already been criticized that it attempted to break down the MDP by taking the typical strategy of attacking it first and withdrawing from the front swiftly.

In the 21st century, the indefinite competition era, a key figure who will lead the nation’s education should not be recruited in this unprofessional way. The education field jaded with periodical turmoil needs the one who is absolutely devoted to education issues. President Roh should forget about politics when posting a cabinet member. He should ask to the right figure to take responsibility of education although it might take a longer time than expected in finding the right one.