Posted January. 06, 2005 22:35,
Tom Lantos, a ranking Democrat on the House Committee on International Relations, will visit North Korea for four days beginning January 8 to discuss North Korean nuclear issue and human rights, an interest of the U.S. Congress announced on Wednesday.
His visit will be made ahead of a visit by U.S. delegates from January 11 to 14, which consists of six senators and congressmen from both sides of the aisle, including Vice Chairman Curt Weldon of the House Armed Service Committee.
Congressman Lantos proposed the North Korean Human Rights Act to the House with Chairman Jim Leach of the International Relations Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific. North Korea has harshly criticized the act, saying it aims to bring the North Korean regime collapse.
Close attention is being paid regarding how the visit was made and what will be discussed. It is not known whom the congressman would meet during the visit.