Posted December. 23, 2004 23:03,
Pyeongchang County was chosen as the candidate for the 2014 Winter Olympics.
On December 23, Korean Olympic Committee (KOC) held a standing committee and chose Pyoengchang County between Pyeongchang and Muju by a unanimous vote. The KOC will present Pyeongchang County as the single candidate to the general committee on December 29.
The standing committee of the KOC chose Pyeonchang County because the Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS) said that holding the Winter Olympics in Muju is not possible.
Accordingly, Pyeongchang will send in a written application to International Olympic Committee (IOC) on July next year, and will try once again to hold the Winter Olympics.
At the primary vote for the site of Winter Olympics 2010, which was held in the Czech Republic on July 2003, Pyeongchang won with three votes less than the majority number. However, in the secondary vote, Pyeongchang County lost to Vancouver, Canada with a 3-vote difference.
Meanwhile, Muju is objecting to the decision saying, We cant obey KOCs decision. The approximately 150 officials of Muju, who had cancelled the standing committee of KOC on December 21 by occupying the meeting room, held a protest demonstration on December 23 again.