Posted December. 20, 2004 22:58,
The average life span of Koreans was reported to be 73.38 years for men and 80.44 years for women, with the average of both genders combined at 77.0.
In particular, the average life span for women approached closer to that of women in OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) member countries- 80.6 years.
According to the report by Korea National Statistical Office on December 20 titled, Life Table Establishment Result of Year 2002, the average life span (life span expectancy at the time of birth) of Korean men is 73.38 years on 2002 basis, up 0.54 year from 2001 (72.48 years) and up 5.64 years from 1991 (67.74 years).
The average life span of Korean women is 80.44 years, up 0.43year from 2001 (80.01 years) and up 4.52 years from 1991 (75.92).
The overall average life span has increased by 0.47 from 2001 and by 5.28 years from 1991.
The average life span of Korean men was lower than that of the OECD member countries of 74.7 years and the Korean womens average life span was similar to the OECDs 80.6 years.
The gap in the average life spans of both genders has narrowed compared to 7.17 in 2001 and 8.18 years in 1991 with a new lower difference of 7.06.
The gap has been on a constant decrease since 1985, when it had previously been on a constant increase to 8.37 years.
The statistical office explained regarding the issue, It is related to men becoming more active in managing their health, and there has been a decrease in deaths of men in their 40s dying of liver diseases.