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GNP, “It is Still Possible to Discuss the Relocation of the Government Complex”

GNP, “It is Still Possible to Discuss the Relocation of the Government Complex”

Posted October. 22, 2004 23:03,   


On Friday, GNP Chairwoman Park Geun-hye suggested possible negotiations with the government on alternatives to its capital relocation project, which the Constitutional Court ruled invalid. She hinted, “We can discuss alternatives with the government including building a fourth government complex, similar to the one in Gwacheon, establishing corporate cities in Chungcheong Province, and moving governmental science and technology agencies to the province.”

In a press center forum organized by the Kwanhun Club, a fraternity of senior journalists, Park Geun-hye revealed, “I would like to console the people in Chungcheong Province who would have been suffering from the sense of loss and shock. The political circle has to reflect on its conduct and try to start taking care of the livelihood of the people.”

She officially apologized for the passage of a “Special Law on the Construction of the New Administrative Capital” in the National Assembly at the end of last year when the Grand National Party held the majority.

When asked about the possibility of having a meeting with President Roh Moo-hyun, she answered, “The primary issue is whether we can bring about a serious discussion. However, if the president proposes a talk, I can accept it.”

When a panel questioned whether she thinks the current administration is a leftist regime, she answered, “All of the recent government-introduced bills such as the abolishment of the National Security Law, the Private School Law, the Press-related Law, and the Past Injustices Investigation Law, were against the current constitutional system.” She added, “If a government does not comply with the democracy and the market economy, it is a leftist regime.”

She was firm on her ideas regarding the security law, saying, “If the administration pushes forward to repeal the law, the GNP has to fight against that with my lead.”

Yeon-Wook Jung jyw11@donga.com