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Koizumi Shows Distaste to China`s Criticism on His Visit to the Yasukini Shrine

Koizumi Shows Distaste to China`s Criticism on His Visit to the Yasukini Shrine

Posted October. 18, 2004 23:14,   


Yesterday, Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi outrightly criticized the Chinese government, which has been condemning Japanese Prime Minister for visiting and worshiping at the Yasukini Shrine, where war criminals of the Second World War are enshrined together.

Thus, it is forecasted that the Sino-Japanese relationship will become aggravated further and the resumption of the summit meeting between the two countries will become more difficult.

When questioned before the Budget Committee Conference in Japan`s Congress yesterday about the interruption of the Sino-Japanese summit, Koizumi answered, "I am doubtful whether it is in fact right to answer, `Yes, we understand,` because our neighbor says, `You think differently, so you are wrong.`"

Koizumi made it clear that he will continue to visit and worship at the Yasukuni Shrine and said, "I understand that the visit may not be pleasant in China`s perspective, but I believe that there is nothing wrong about showing the rightful respect and gratitude as a Japanese to the war dead."

Hun-Joo Cho hanscho@donga.com