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Ruling Party to Affirm Party Platform by October 17

Posted October. 10, 2004 22:58,   


Chun Jung-bae, floor leader of the Uri Party, said on October 10, “We will hold a general meeting on October 17 and affirm our party platform on the four major reform laws—the National Security Law, the Fact-finding Law on Historical Truth, the Press Law, and the Private School Law—and by October 20 we will submit the bill to the National Assembly and will start bill inspection on November 4.”

Floor leader Chun held a press conference at the National Assembly and said, “When the inspection of the administration and interrogation of the government are over, the official bill inspection must start. Therefore, there is a need to affirm the party platform beforehand.” According to the National Assembly Law, a bill can be brought up before the standing committee 15 days after submission.

This is the first time floor leader Chun has mentioned a detailed schedule for dealing with the four major reform laws. Thus, a clash between the Uri Party and the Grand National Party, which is against these laws, seems inevitable, following the confrontation between ruling and opposition parties during the inspection of the administration.

Regarding the National Security Law and the Private School Law, the Uri Party is planning to submit a bill after consultation with the government, and the Fact-finding Law on Historical Truth and the Press Law are to be submitted independently. Floor leader Chun suggested the possibility of bill adjustments after the affirmation of the party platform, saying, “The details can be altered through talks with the Democratic Labor Party and Democratic Party, and certain corrections and compromises can be made during the screening process by the National Assembly within practical boundaries after hearing the voices of the people and the minority parties.” On consultation with the Grand National Party, floor leader Chun said, “Unless the minority party objects to our policy without setting forth alternatives, or uses the delay strategy, and as long as they submit to bill screening with a practical and reformative attitude, we are willing to debate and compromise with them,” and emphasized, “We will not abuse our majority powers.”

Jong-Koo Yoon jkmas@donga.com