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Air Terror Threat to Increase This Year

Posted September. 29, 2004 21:39,   


Terror threats on Korea’s airline flights are on the rise. In its report to Lawmaker Yun Ho-jung of the Uri Party, the Civil Aviation Safety Authority said that the number of air terror threats was three in both 2001 and 2002, and five in 2003. But as of August 2004, the figure has been an astonishing 20, four times higher than that of last year.

“Threats from international terror organizations such as al-Qaida have been reported. But, the problem is that among 15 airports, Pohang and Wonju airports have carried out no counter-terror exercises, which is clear evidence of a serious lack of sense of security,” pointed out Yun.

The increase is “due to the rise in copycat threats since the U.S. war in Iraq,” analyzed an official of government’s civil aviation safety authority.

Hoon Lee dreamland@donga.com