Posted September. 24, 2004 21:44,
The Korean Ministry of National Defense announced on September 24 that a procurement plan is being developed to purchase older version (PAC2) second-hand Patriot missiles from Germany to replace Koreas current, dated Nike anti-aircraft missiles.
Won Jang-hwan, Director General for Acquisition Policy Affairs (and an army major general) of the Ministry of National Defense, revealed during the ministrys latest budget briefing that after the German government notifies us of the number of missiles they can sell, and after one year of negotiation and purchase evaluation, we will reflect the year 2006s PAC2 procurement in the budget.
Originally, the ministry was considering the latest version of Patriot missile (PAC3) from the U.S. as a part of Koreas next generation surface-to-air missile acquisition project (SMA-X). However, the 48 missiles (enough for two battalions) that the Korean government wanted to acquire would cost an unaffordable 3.4 trillion won, so an alternative decision was made.
The PAC3 can launch 16 missiles per battery, has increased in firepower, and has a much higher target-hit ratio than the PAC2, which can only fire four missiles per battery.
Won added, Germany has many surplus missiles after the unification; these missiles can be purchased for 50-60 percent of the price of new ones.