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Unconnected Differences in Korea and China’s Rice Negotiation

Unconnected Differences in Korea and China’s Rice Negotiation

Posted September. 14, 2004 22:03,   


The fourth rice negotiation talks between Korea and China held yesterday at Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) ended without much yield.

MFAT’s Doha Development Agenda (DDA) Negotiation Ambassador Lee Jae-gil announced at a briefing after the convention, “There are some parts with improvement, but differences still exist, so the fifth round of negotiations will take place at the end of this month.”

He added, “Regarding the improvements, I cannot say anything as we are still negotiating.”

In yesterday’s meeting, the two countries discussed delaying the customization, low rate customs Tariff Rate Quota (TRQ), and inspections on vegetables and fruits.

Lee said, “As for China’s requirement for a delay, we will decide whether or not to accept it based on the universities and research institutes’ analysis of its equality.”

The government plans on having a third rice negotiation talks with Thailand in Bangkok on September 17.

Ji-Wan Cha cha@donga.com