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Defense Ministry Publicly Announces Recruitment of First Class Officer Position

Defense Ministry Publicly Announces Recruitment of First Class Officer Position

Posted September. 06, 2004 22:01,   


The Ministry of Defense is recruiting an assistant ministry-level position officer (first class officer for administration and general affairs). The Defense Ministry is the first government agent to publicly announce its first class officer position recruitment. The Defense Ministry is the first government agent to recruit its officers in this manner.

The ministry announced yesterday, “The Ministry of Defense is receiving applications for a general manager position for its planning and management office until September 13. This position is a first class position and is in charge of administration, organization structure, budgets, and legal issues, as well as parliament-related issues.”

Even though there has been public recruiting for second and third level public officer positions after the current participatory government took office, this is the first time for the top level officer position.

The qualifications for this position are: a public officer or a former public officer who is currently working or has worked as an administrator (or other specified first class position) in a central administrative organization; an officer who, as of September 1, is working as a director (second class position) for three years or more or is a former officer who worked for three year or more; and a retired general.

Ho-Won Choi bestiger@donga.com