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North Korean Nuclear Resolution Can Be Found in Libyan Lessons

North Korean Nuclear Resolution Can Be Found in Libyan Lessons

Posted July. 20, 2004 22:14,   


John Bolton, undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, said on July 20, “How Libya eliminated its nuclear weapons can be a good example for resolving the North Korea nuclear issue,” and, “As we prepare for the next round of six-party talks, it`s important to keep all those lessons in mind.”

His comment seemingly assured that the North Korea should declare the nuclear elimination first in order to receive rewards for its act from the international society.

Bolton, who is visiting South Korea, met Foreign Minister Ban Ki-moon in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade building.

Oh Joon, director general for Policy Planning and International Organizations, revealed that Bolton said, “Libya’s President Qadhafi made a decision to renounce its nuclear weapons because he knew that having no weapons of mass destruction will make Libya’s future better.”

Bolton also pointed out, “(To resolve the North Korean nuclear issue) cooperation between South Korea and the U.S is more crucial than ever,” adding, “As both President George W. Bush and President Roh Moo-Hyun are very eager to have a peaceful diplomatic solution to this problem, the two countries together should seek for a harmonious approach to settle the problem.”

He also thanked the South Korean government for sending additional troops to Iraq“We praise the South Korean government for making a courageous decision to send troops to Iraq despite opposition to the deployment, and that it is now progressing with its decision as planned." We feel very grateful for this.”

Foreign Minister Ban replied, “We welcome your visit to Korea and hope to see some progress in current issues such as the North Korean nuclear program,” and, “We hope that Mr. Bolton’s visit can present a positive message to the Korean people as we are going through an adjustment to enhance the tie between South Korea and the U.S.”

Hyong-gwon Pu bookum90@donga.com