On July 14, senior U.S. government officials signaled that the USFK reduction plan, slated to be completed by the end of next year, could be put off through discussions, according to assemblymen of the Korea-U.S. Inter-Parliamentary Council currently in Washington.
At a press conference with correspondents in Washington, Representative Yoo Jay-kun of the Uri Party and the Korean delegation leader of the council cited, U.S. administrative officials expressed satisfaction at the current Korea-U.S. relations. A U.S. national security official, in particular, said that the USFK reduction plan, which proposes to reduce 12,500 U.S. soldiers in Korea by the end of next year, will be fixed after negotiations with Korea. Rep. Yoo added, U.S. authorities displayed an active attitude in resolving the North Korea nuclear issue well, in anyway they can. Though viewing it undesirable to provide unconditional aid to the North, the U.S. is in favor of strong economic cooperation between the two Koreas, including the establishment of the Gaesung Industrial Complex.