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Diplomatic Security After Replacement of Vice-Ministers

Posted July. 13, 2004 22:13,   


It was reported on July 13 that following the replacement of vice-ministers this weekend, Cheong Wa Dae will be reshuffling personnel of the diplomatic security system, including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and National Intelligence Service, at the end of this month when the investigation of Kim Sun-Il’s death comes to an end.

An official of Cheong Wa Dae said, “In cases of the diplomatic security system, including the National Intelligence Service, the investigation should make a conclusion and decide where blame for the responsibility for the relocation should be laid.”

Meanwhile, by last weekend, Cheong Wa Dae had asked and received replies from all 19 ministers in writing about whether they wished to replace their vice-ministers or not.

Cheong Wa Dae reported, “In order to introduce a new personnel system, in which the ministers participate in the relocation of vice-ministers, the ministers were asked in documents whether they wished their vice-ministers to be replaced or wished them to remain.”

Jung-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com