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The Third PTCSD

Posted July. 07, 2004 22:04,   


The Presidential Truth Commission on Suspicious Deaths (PTCSD) elicited public criticism by recognizing North Korean spies, who refused to convert to a pro-democratic ideology, as those involved in the democratic movement. Because the commission’s operation period expired as of last June, there is a controversy over the enactment and revision of a special law to re-inaugurate the next PTCSD.

A core official in Cheong Wa Dae said on Wednesday that “the second term of the PTCSD has expired. However, Cheong Wa Dae has not yet decided its stance regarding the inauguration of the third PTCSD.” He expressed his concern, saying, “If parts mentioning ‘those involved in the democratic movement’ are to be omitted from the PTCSD’s list of those to investigate, the objects and time of investigations may become too extensive.”

While Cheong Wa Dae takes a cautious position saying that “the enactment and revision of a special law should be decided by parliament,” the Uri Party and the Democratic Labor Party are supporting the re-inauguration of the PTCSD. The Grand National Party’s position is to reexamine the whole issue from the starting point. The result of tuning these different opinions is being watched with interest.

However, another official from Cheong Wa Dae said, “The PTCSD is supposed to report its investigation results to President within a month after its term expired. Although it may be difficult for Cheong Wa Dae to decide its position by then, regarding the commission’s re-inauguration, there are some negative opinions on that.

The PTCSD has already extended its term once, and a special law should be enacted and revised to re-inaugurate the commission.

Jung-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com