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Goguryo`s Remains in North Korea to Become `Cultural Heritage Sites`

Goguryo`s Remains in North Korea to Become `Cultural Heritage Sites`

Posted June. 29, 2004 22:16,   


It is actually confirmed that cultural sites in North Korea and China will obtain World Heritage Site status. It was reported yesterday that the decision to register these sites will be made on Wednesday, which is earlier than expected.

Park Heung-shin (director of the Culture and Foreign Affairs Bureau in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade), who is attending as a chief delegate of Korea to the 28th session of the UNESCO’s World Heritage Committee in Suzhou, China, said, “I contacted North Korean delegates and Chinese delegates in the opening ceremony on Monday. According to them, it is a settled matter that Goguryo’s cultural sites in both countries will be registered.”

Director Park said, “Chinese delegates told me that they supported the decision to register the cultural remains of Goguryo in North Korea to be included on the list of World Cultural Heritage Sites. North Korean chief delegate Lee Ui-hwa, the deputy director of the Cultural Guidance Bureau of the Department of Culture, also agreed on Goguryo’s remains in China being registered at the same time.”

North Korea will possess World Heritage sites for the first time if Goguryo’s cultural remains from both countries are successfully registered.

Director Park commented, “The registration of Goguryo’s cultural sites was originally planned to be reviewed on July 1 or July 2. However, the date was advanced to June 30 due to the changes in the schedule of some agenda.”

He added that the registration of the Goguryo’s cultural remains in North Korea was submitted to the WHC meeting, and that the registration of Goguryo’s remains appears definite since China supports it and there is no other country opposing to the suggestion.

In a closed meeting held earlier in Paris, France last January, the International Council on Mountains and Sites (ICOMOS) recommended to register Goguryo’s remains in China as well as in North Korea.

Yoo-Seong Hwang yshwang@donga.com