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North Korean Nuclear Freeze to Be Discussed At Working-level Meeting

North Korean Nuclear Freeze to Be Discussed At Working-level Meeting

Posted June. 27, 2004 22:10,   


The six countries participating in the third round of six-party talks decided to hold a third working-level meeting as soon as possible to define the scope, duration, verification, and corresponding measures (compensation) regarding a nuclear freeze, as the first step towards the de-nuclearization of Korean Peninsula.

The six countries adopted an eight-point Chairman’s Statement containing such content at the chief delegate meeting in Diao Yu Tai, Beijing on June 26, and ended the four-day-long round of talks.

The six countries agreed to hold the fourth round of the six-way talks by the end of September in Beijing.

South Korea and China had tried to adopt a joint press statement, which is one level higher than a chairman’s statement, similar to one adopted at the second round of the six-way talks in February, but they failed due to the large gap between the positions of the U.S. and North Korea.

Hyong-gwon Pu bookum90@donga.com