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A Resolution Against the Capital Relocation Adopted

Posted June. 20, 2004 22:32,   


The Seoul Metropolitan Council (SMC) held its 26th regular meeting on June 19 and adopted a resolution against the capital relocation plan.

In the resolution, the SMC insisted that the government should drop the nonconsensual plan to relocate the capital, on the grounds that the regional conflicts that would follow such a relocation would bring about a deterioration in public opinion and serious ill effects.

In addition, the SMC said, “Capital relocation works against the spirit of the two Koreas’ unification and will lead to the emergence of a new regionalism and regional imbalance.”

It also urged the government to redirect the capital relocation budget toward resuscitating the economy and solving the problem of youth unemployment.

The day after its meeting, the SMC revealed that it would hold a rally at 3:00 p.m. on June 29 at Seoul Plaza in front of the City Hall opposing capital relocation. Co-sponsoring the rally will be 25 self-governing district councils in Seoul and some anti-relocation civic groups, said the SMC in its statement of June 20.

On the same day the SMC held the meeting, it raised the status of the Anti-Relocation Countermeasure Committee, organized by the Council, to that of a special committee, which is a legal body.

Kang-Myoung Chang tesomiom@donga.com