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“I will Accomplish Capital Relocation at the Risk of the Administration’s Fate”

“I will Accomplish Capital Relocation at the Risk of the Administration’s Fate”

Posted June. 15, 2004 22:11,   


“This policy is a key project of participatory government and a matter on which the fate of the country is staked, so I will accomplish it at the risk of the government’s fate,” said President Roh Moo-hyun with emphasis on Monday regarding the disputed capital relocation plan of his administration. “As this issue was a presidential campaign pledge and has already been endorsed by the National Assembly by an overwhelming majority, I believe this matter has received enough appraisal from the people,” said Roh at an afternoon cabinet meeting on Monday.

Roh also said, “While an extensive offensive has commenced recently from the premise that disputes the scope of the would-be transferred institutions, this offensive has considerable political intention,” and added, “If the administrative capital relocation plan fails, retooling and balanced development plans for Seoul and its adjacent areas may collapse, and this will lead to pressure between Seoul and the provinces.

He then said, “It is unsuitable and irresponsible to try to cancel the whole project of capital relocation for the transfer of a few constitutional institutes,” and added, “Regarding the transfer of the constitutional institutes, parliamentary approval has yet to be given, so we can hold policy consultation meetings between the ruling camp and the administration if needed, and a consensus can be reached in that process.”

In the meantime, regarding the issue of revealing building costs for new apartments, President Roh said, “There is a lot of controversy over the president’s comment, but it’s not apt criticism,” and stated, “It will be decided through legislation after cooperation between the ruling party and the administration

“I urge concerned ministries and the administration to cope with matters with responsibility, generally considering the effects and side-effects of the policy, not considering politics,” said Roh. “Policy has to take responsibility for sure, not cater to public interests.”

Jung-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com