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Supporting Half of Child Care Expenses for Children under Age of Four

Supporting Half of Child Care Expenses for Children under Age of Four

Posted June. 11, 2004 21:36,   


Starting in 2008, those within the average income working households who have children under the age of four will be provided support in the form of 50 percent of expenses from the government if they leave their children at a child care center.

Also, to relieve the burden of working mothers who are nursing babies under the age of one and to increase the economic activity of women, child care workers will be placed at these homes starting next year as an example.

The Presidential Panel on Aging and Future Society (Chairman Kim Yong-ik, medical professor at Seoul National University) held a meeting under the superintendence of President Roh Moo-hyun at Cheong Wa Dae yesterday morning and agreed to these decisions.

With the Gender Equality Ministry taking over the child care related affairs starting June 12, which the Health & Welfare Ministry had been previously responsible for, the government decided to transfer the responsibility of child-bearing from the parents to the state. In order for this to occur, the government will provide graduated support of child care expenses based on income level, and will support up to 70 percent of children under the age of four entrusted in child care centers starting in 2008. Currently, only 22.6 percent of these children are receiving child care support. For those up to the level of working household with an average income, 50 percent of the expenses will be provided. Those on welfare and those with an income not exceeding 120 percent of that of the recipients on welfare will be able to receive full support from the government. Starting in 2006, the government will also cover 30 days of the 60-day salary burden share that the company currently provides for maternity leaves. In addition, the allowance during maternity leaves given by employment insurance will be raised from the current 400,000 won up to 40 percent of the average salary (averaging over 500,000 won).

Jin-Kyeong Kim kjk9@donga.com