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North Korean Officials Visit Chinese Economic Zone

Posted May. 26, 2004 22:12,   


It was verified on May 26 that a group of North Korean officials in charge of inter-Korean economic corporation projects, such as a chief official in charge of the construction of the Kaesong industrial complex, are visiting Shanghai and special economic zone at Shenzhen.

The North Korean officials’ inspection of the Chinese special economic zone is attracting public attention in that it is occurring after North Korea Leader Kim Jong-il’s visit to China last month.

A source at Shanghai revealed, “Seven to eight ranking officials, such as members of a committee for peace in East Asian and Pacific Affairs, the Diamond Mountains Company, and chief officials in charge of the construction of the Kaesong industrial complex visited Shanghai on May 25 and will visit the special economic zone at Shenzhen.”

Through the visit to China until May 31, the North Korean officials are planning to visit high-tech industrial parks at Jiangkang, Shanghai, which is a symbol of Chinese-style economic reforms, the major port at Pudong, and South Korean plants in Suzhou at Jiangsu.

It is especially known that North Korean officials will observe not only the industrial complex but also if the immigration control system between Shenzhen and Hong Kong can be applied to Kaesong and the Diamond Mountain zone.