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Islamic Terrorists Behead U.S. Citizen

Posted May. 12, 2004 22:56,   


The United States has been greatly shocked as the atrocious scene of the decapitation of an abducted U.S. citizen was disclosed on an internet webpage on May 11. The members of an Islamic armed organization, al-Ansir, which is related with the Sept. 11 terrorist organization Al Qaeda, conducted this incident.

U.S. President George W. Bush has stated his intention of chasing down the people concerned and conducting thorough punishment, and U.S.-allied countries such as the United Kingdom and many human rights organizations have criticized this act in unison, indicating a serious offense against human rights has taken place.

On the video, five masked men appeared with a victim, and cut off the head of a 26-years-old U.S. private businessman, Nicolas Berg, with a knife. The upside down suspended corpse was found at a bridge near the coalition forces’ command in Baghdad just a day before the disclosure of the video.

“We have suggested an exchange of prisoners between this hostage and a number of prisoners confined at the Abu Ghraib prison to the U.S. administration, but were rejected,” stated al-Ansir, asserting that “we have executed him to retaliate for the mistreatment of the Iraqi war prisoners committed by the U.S. GIs.”

U.S. television, newspaper, and internet webpage providers have reported this news without including the ruthless scene of murder. It is the first case of retaliation is closely linked to the maltreatment of the Iraqi war prisoners. The alteration of public opinion as to this murder case of Mr. Berg is attracting people’s attention a lot. In addition, the possibility of consecutive retaliatory battles being overheated between the U.S. forces and the Islamic terrorists have become heavier, and the Iraq rehabilitation work is likely to face a deadlock.

Soon-Taek Kwon maypole@donga.com