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Domestic Private Organizations Send First Relief Supplies

Domestic Private Organizations Send First Relief Supplies

Posted April. 29, 2004 21:12,   


On April 29 active aid to support North Korea continued pouring in for the eighth day straight following the explosion in Yongcheon as united domestic private organizations sent relief supplies to North Korea for the first time. In the morning, the approximately 40 organizations that comprise the “Headquarters for the Movement to Support Fellow Countrymen of Yongcheon’s Explosion (Movement Headquarters)” sent $20,000 worth of medical supplies and living necessities (purchased in Dandong, China) to the accident site through the railroad near Yalu River.

This marks the first time a North Korean domestic private organization has sent a large quantity of relief supplies to North Korea. The Movement Headquarters is planning to supply an additional 10 billion won of medical supplies to North Korea early on April 30.

“Headquarters for Korea to Become One,” consisting of approximately ninety private organizations including the Korea Confederation of Trade Union, also plans to send three 100kW electric generators and 75 million won in medical supplies purchased in Dandong to North Korea’s Federation of Korean Industries on April 30.

The Christian organization “World Vision” has already sent provisions to North Korea including bread and drinking water, as well as shoes that were supplied through the collaboration of North Korean support enterprises. Meanwhile, World Vision’s “Kind People” corporation sent $40,000 worth of provisions, including 5,000 blankets and medical supplies, through the Federation of Korean Industries. “Headquarters for the Pan-National Movement to Support Yongcheon Countrymen,” comprised of over forty private organizations including “The Civil Headquarters for Activating the South-North Economic Corporation in Korea,” is planning to hold a departure ceremony on April 30 and continue its campaign to help North Korea by sending supplies.

Jae-Dong Yu jarrett@donga.com