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Drives for Free Transfer on Local Buses

Posted April. 26, 2004 20:20,   


Local buses as well as regular buses and subways will offer free transfers from July 1 when the new public transportation system starts in Seoul.

With this, it is expected that the majority of citizens who change bus or subways of main lines or branch lines will be able to get on the local bus only with paying the fare of a bus or subway.

According to the announcement of Seoul City on April 26, local buses will continue to be operated in the same manner after July 1, and a rider will only be charged for the bus if he or she rides a local bus.

However, most citizens who ride a local bus use the bus until they reach a subway station or a regular bus stop. In this case, the Distance Proportional System is applied from July 1, which is the base fare applied for a base distance, and additional fees are added for rides exceeding the base distance. The base distance is 10km.

If the distance the passenger rides doesn’t exceed 10km when totaling the entire distance of subway and bus taken, he or she only pays the base fare of the subway or bus. Essentially, it means that riding the local bus is free. If the total distance exceeds 10km, an additional fare is applied for every 5km.

You have to use a transportation card in order to receive the free transfer benefit.

Ji-Young Chae yourcat@donga.com