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Kim Jong-il: “Persuade The U.S. To Abandon Its Adversarial Policy Against North Korea”

Kim Jong-il: “Persuade The U.S. To Abandon Its Adversarial Policy Against North Korea”

Posted April. 20, 2004 21:16,   


North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-il, on the second day of his visit to Beijing on April 20, met with Chinese leaders such as Zhang Zemin, the head of Chinese Central Military Committee, and discussed measures to reduce the security uncertainties over North Korea, which were stirred by North Korea’s nuclear issues, and activation of economic cooperation for the future.

The leader, Kim, has focused on the idea that in order to solve North Korea’s nuclear problem, a safety guarantee for the North Korean social system is an essential prerequisite. It has been known that Kim requested Chinese leaders to persuade the U.S. to give up its adversarial policies against North Korea.

After introducing international political conditions such as the U.S.’s war in Iraq and the embodiment of peace in Mid-east Asia, the head of military committee, Zhang promised Kim that he would exert every effort to solve the North Korea’s nuclear problem, reported the news agencies.

At the meeting table with the Chinese premier Won Zabao, Kim exchanged his opinions about opening North Korea’s market to foreign investment in the future, and measures to strengthen economic cooperation with China. Reporters believe that Premier Won may have suggested efforts to supply energy and food to North Korea.

It has been disclosed that Kim visited the agricultural model town, Han Chun-huh, near Beijing, and made an inspection of the modernization of Chinese farm towns there.

In advance, Kim invited the president of China, Hu Zintao to officially visit North Korea in near future, and Hu showed a positive attitude toward this request.

On April 19, a spokesperson of the U.S. state department, Richard Boucher, dealt with the subjects of the six-nation talks and Kim’s visit to China, setting forth his expectations by stating “I believe that China understands our fundamental anticipation that the North Korea’s nuclear problem should progress on a working level.”

Yoo-Seong Hwang Young-Sik Kim yshwang@donga.com spear@donga.com