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“The Government Will Not Drastically Change”

Posted April. 16, 2004 20:40,   


“Even if the Uri Party (UP) wins over the assembly and Democratic Labor Party (DLP) enters the assembly, the basic political condition of the government will not drastically shift to ‘the left wing’,” Han Duk-su, a section chief of state affairs, said on April 16.

“Since foreign investors or ambassadors tend to consider the policies of the Uri Party as social democratic in nature, they might misunderstand the meaning of the result of this general election,” a section chief announced at press conference. “Through active public relations at the International Relations Conference (IR), which will be held in New York and Hong Kong starting from April 23, the government will dispel this misunderstanding.

“The basic political condition of both the current government and the Uri Party is a political line of moderate reform, which seeks to strengthen competitiveness by making society honest and retaining the policy of opening a country to foreign commerce,” he explained. “As a result of an analysis of each political party’s election pledges, the UP is not much different from the Grand National Party (GNP). The DLP was the only party much different from them.”

He added, “If necessary, we will let DLP participate in policy consultation between current government and each political party.”

Jung-Hun Kim jnghn@donga.com