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How to Throw Votes in a One Voter, Two Vote System

Posted April. 14, 2004 21:58,   


On April 15 the country goes to the polls to elect new lawmakers, the system of one voter, two votes will be introduced for the first time, allowing voters to cast a vote for a candidate in their district and the other for the party they support. Let us explain how voters will cast their votes under the new system which allocates 56 seats to the parties in proportion to the vote they win.

Once their IDs are confirmed in the voters’ roll sheet, voters receive two ballots, one white and the other light pink.

The white ballot contains candidates and their numbers and the pink ballot contains the parties and their numbers. Voters should mark the candidate in the white sheet and the party in the pink sheet.

Voters should remember that the numbers indicating the party affiliate in the white ballot are identical to the numbers assigned to parties from one through three.

The numbers labeled to the parties are as follows: 1) Grand National Party 2) Millennium Democratic Party 3) Uri Party 4) United Liberal Democrats 5) National Unity 21 6) Let’s Go, Hope 2080 7) Republican Party 8) National Salvation League 9) Christian Party 10) Party for Seniors’ Rights 11) Green Party 12) Democratic Labor Party 13) Democratic Unity Party 14) Socialist Party.

After filling out the ballot, voters should put the white ballot into the white box and the pink ballot into the pink box.

Min-Hyuk Park mhpark@donga.com