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Bush "No Delay in Transfer of Power"

Posted April. 11, 2004 21:53,   


With American soldiers being killed and civilians being kidnapped in Iraq, the American public has begun turning their back on U.S. President George W. Bush. Under such circumstances, Mr. Bush repeatedly pledged to stick to the current U.S. policy towards Iraq.

--No change in American policy towards Iraq

President Bush announced in a radio address on Saturday that America will adhere to its hard-line military policy and its planned transfer of power to Iraq as scheduled. “Our decisive actions will continue until these enemies of democracy are dealt with. Delaying Iraqi sovereignty is precisely what our enemies want,” he said.

Recently, some Republicans as well as Democrats have brought up the issue of putting off the withdrawal of American forces from Iraq, citing that the establishment of an Iraqi interim government without the support of the Iraqi people and the international community could bring about more devastating chaos.

“As the June 30th date for Iraqi sovereignty draws near, a small faction is attempting to derail Iraqi democracy and seize power. In some cities, Saddam supporters, Shiite radicals and terrorists have incited violence,” Bush insisted.

He asked the leaders of Italy, Poland, and El Salvador for more support in telephone conversations on Friday.

--Plummeting approval rating

More Americans are getting skeptical about the U.S. policy toward Iraq, however, while witnessing the unfolding situation in Iraq.

According to one Gallup poll released on Friday, 64 percent of those surveyed pointed out that the current Iraqi situation is “very aggravating” or “relatively aggravating.” A month ago, only 43 percent showed a negative response. “This approval rating for the President is the lowest since the outbreak of Iraq war last year,” an expert on opinion poll for Gallup, David Moore, said.

According to polls by CBS on Friday, six out of every ten respondents answered that the Iraqi situation has deteriorated. In addition, 57 percent of respondents said recent warfare in Iraq is an unnecessary sacrifice, while 50 percent of those surveyed answered that America’s military action against Iraq last year had been headed in the right direction; that figure is down by 5 percent. Additionally, 46 percent of respondents said that American forces should pull out of Iraq.

Seung-Jin Kim sarafina@donga.com