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Islam Launches “Anti-US Struggle”

Posted April. 06, 2004 22:29,   


U.S. forces in Iraq launched a massive military campaign in order to round up the radical Shia leaders who masterminded national demonstrations, and retaliate against Sunni insurgents in Fallujah who destroyed the body of a dead American civilian.

Islamic leaders in Iraq have started to insist upon an across-the board anti-US armed struggle as an answer to this military operation, with the situation in Iraq falling into unpredictable chaos.

The Arab media unanimously reported that the current situation was the beginning of a “popular uprising,” and that the possibility of a civil war was looming large.

U.S. President George W. Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair are scheduled to have an emergency summit meeting in Washington next week to discuss Iraq, where bloody affairs are spreading. U.S. troops reportedly allow use of the armed force against civilians.

“If U.S. intends to suppress the grievances of the Iraqi people with military means, this can stimulate instead the insurgent wills, spreading into an all-out war,” overseas reports warned.

The New York Times reported on April 6 that leaders of a U.S. battalion stationed in Iraq were setting up contingency plans against a possible full-scale war with the insurgents. U.S. Central Command chief Gen. John Abizaid ordered an examination into the dispatch of additional troops “in case the situation gets worse.”

Iraqi affairs, which became worse just ahead of the declaration of the war termination (due May 1) and the sovereignty transfer, are expected to hurt President Bush, who is about to enter the 2004 presidential election.

Seung-Jin Kim sarafina@donga.com