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Chairman of the Election Committee to Appear as Witness for the Constitutional Court

Chairman of the Election Committee to Appear as Witness for the Constitutional Court

Posted April. 04, 2004 22:18,   


On the fourth, Chairman of the Central Election Committee Yoo Jin-dam announced that if the Constitutional Court selected him as a witness in the impeachment trial of President Roh Moo Hyun, he would accede to their request.

In an interview with reporters, a senior member of the Election Committee stated, “Since the indictment proceedings are criminal proceedings, if the Constitutional Court calls in the Chairman as a witness, he would have to no choice but to appear as a witness,” and thereby revealed the Chairman’s plans to appear before the Constitutional Court.

The senior member also stated, “The Chairman does not have much more to reveal. Through the media and other reports, the Chairman has already stated that the President has violated Election Law No. 9, which provides that any public official shall remain neutral in any election.”

The senior member further stated, “In the event that Minister Yoo appears as a witness and the Constitutional Court subpoenas related documents, the committee would submit related documents and transcripts of committee meetings that show President Roh violated election laws.”

Min-Hyuk Park mhpark@donga.com