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Second Hearing Presented only by Representatives

Posted April. 02, 2004 22:30,   


The Constitutional Court held the second hearing on the impeachment of President Roh Moo-hyun at 2 p.m. on April 2.

The hearing was conducted only with the representatives from both sides in the absence of President Roh and Kim Ki-choon, the chief prosecutor in this case.

Both sides were fiercely opposed to each other over the delay of the trial until the April 15 elections, the problems in the process of passing the impeachment bill, and the appropriateness of the reasons for impeachment.

Lawyer Han Byung-chae from the prosecution team said that the court should delay the trial until the April 15 elections are over because the court decision may affect their outcome, citing the President Roh’s remark that related the general election to the public’s confidence in him.

However, the court reconfirmed its intention to proceed the trial as planed without delay.

Lawyer Jeong Ki-sung from the prosecution team argued that the presidential impeachment is a lawful decision, saying that the president, who is to guard the constitution and the nation, undermined the foundation of the government by supporting a specific party in public, was involved in corruption scandals, and was incompetent in handling the economy.

Lawyer Yoo Hyun-seok from the defense counsel team contradicted this by saying that the impeachment by three opposition parties is based on unjust political purposes and did not follow proper procedures.

The hearing of this day was presented by 12 people representing the Assembly and Roh’s 11 attorneys, and the courtroom was filled with people concerned, from Cheong Wa Dae, the National Assembly, and the Ministry of Justice, journalists and the public audience.

Sang-Rok Lee myzodan@donga.com