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KBC Delays Conclusion over Accusations on Broadcasters

Posted March. 17, 2004 22:42,   


The inquiry council of the Korean Broadcasting Commission (KBC) looking into the controversies over three torrential broadcasters’ programs deliberated on Wednesday whether or not their programs in regard to President Roh’s impeachment were biased and if the KBC should impose restrictions on the programs. However, the council could not reach a conclusion due to a vast amount of contents involved in this case and the importance of this case, according to council members. Therefore, the council decided to deliberate the matter again on March 24.

The programs which are subject to deliberation are news, interviews, and debates aired between noon on Friday, right after the passage of the impeachment motion, and midnight on Saturday. KBS One, MBC, and SBS aired 26 hours 20 minutes, 12 hours 20 minutes and 14 hours 20 minutes of programs respectively about the impeachment.

The seven members of the council, including chairman Nam Seon-Ja, debated whether or not the programs of the broadcasters promoted public opinion to become excessively split and were unfairly advantageous to a certain political party and would have influenced the upcoming ruling of the Constitution Court. Some council members claim that the broadcasters devoted an excessive amount of airtime to the impeachment issue.

The council will deliberate the case further in-depth with reinforced expert analysis and supplementary materials in connection with the editing and captions of the programs.

Jin-Yeong Lee ecolee@donga.com