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Home Living Preacher and Healthful Foods

Posted February. 26, 2004 23:56,   


Martha Stewart, who is called ‘the “home living preacher” in the U.S., is showing up in front of Korean housewives for the first time through cable TV.

In the midst of the popularity of food programs and with the boom of well-being, “From Martha’s Kitchen,” which Martha Stewart hosts, will be broadcast from March 1 through the cable•satellite Food Channel. Broadcast time will be 12:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

This program is relevant to food and cooking, but is not only about food. This program introduces food based on fresh ingredients.

The show is not just about staying in kitchen either. Stewart goes out to visit the home of food ingredients and visit restaurants that are famous for fresh ingredients and Stewart tries the flavor of food. And Martha invites cooks to the kitchen for conversation about the health and ingredients of making food.

On a recent program, Stewart visits an oyster farm and listens to the explanations of the host and makes oyster dishes with the cook. She has also visited a place where students cook with their own raised vegetables and shows the importance of organic-vegetables and life in nature.

Stewart is the so called “Total Living Stylist’” who came up with the phrase “Ask Martha what you need to know in the house” in the U.S.

“From Martha’s Kitchen” is now broadcast on the “Food Network” U.S. cable channel and is the highlight program of “From Martha Stewart’s Living” which won an Emmy Award.

Sun-Woo Kim sublime@donga.com